4 Yoga Poses To Master Before Trying The Handstand Pose

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Yoga Handstand Pose, also known as Adho Mukha Vrkasana is one of the most challenging and physically taxing yoga asanas. The happiness and sense of accomplishment you feel while doing this yoga pose is indescribable. However, doing this yoga pose requires considerable strength, balance, and taking the risk of supporting your entire body weight with your hands.

Since, the handstand pose comprises of a multitude of complex movements and positions, it is not advisable to try this yoga pose without preparing your body. Similar to every other yoga pose, the handstand too requires you to be in tune with the body while doing this pose. It is recommended you join one of the yoga retreat in Rishikesh to prepare your core, shoulders, and wrists.

That said, there are certain yoga poses that can help you prepare for this yoga asana.

4 Yoga Poses To Master Before The Handstand

Before you go ahead and flip your head upside-down with the Handstand, make sure you master these four yoga poses.

Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

A common mistake many first-timers do is sideline the importance of good hamstring flexibility. It is super important that you open up the hamstrings when learning how to do the Handstand. It is here the Standing Forward Fold comes into the picture.

Steps To Practice Uttanasana

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Relax your knees. Hinge from the hips while folding over your legs. Keep your spine completely straight.
  • Bend your knees as deeply as required.
  • Let your head and torso be heavy hang towards the floor.
  • For a deeper hamstring stretch, engage your quadriceps.
  • You can let your fingers hang loosely towards the floor.
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Take a deep breath to experience a deep stretch.

Shoulder Integration

Another important part of doing a handstand with ease is proper shoulder integration and stability. Your shoulder joint is highly mobile which helps you perform everyday tasks with ease. However, it is not ready for doing a Handstand. Therefore, it is important that you stabilize the shoulder joints before flipping your world upside-down with the Handstand.

Steps For Shoulder Integration

  • Find some comfortable place to sit. Extend your arms forward and keep them in line with your shoulders.
  • Flex your wrists and activate your hands as if you are pushing against a wall.
  • Keep your arms active. Draw the head of your upper arm bones back to the shoulder sockets.
  • Hug your arms into the midline. Keep them in line with your shoulders.
  • Broaden your chest.
  • Hold this position. Remember this shoulder integration when you do the Handstand.

Note: You can also use a yoga block during this practice.

Plank Pose

Without a doubt, the foundation of a Handstand are your hands. You have to learn the elements needed to maintain a strong foundation for your hands before doing the Handstand. The Plank Pose is a great yoga pose to lay down a solid foundation for the Handstand.

Steps To Do Plank Pose

  • Come to a table top position on the yoga mat.
  • Keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your fingers wide and grip the mat with your fingertips.
  • Press into all four corners of your palms. Do not lift your index finger off the mat.
  • Lift the center of your palm.
  • Press the floor while lifting your knees. Walk your feet backward to form a straight line. Keep your body straight.
  • Stretch your heels back.
  • Activate your hamstrings to lift your legs. Activate your core to lift your hips.
  • Extend from head to toe and engage your whole body. Keep your breath steady.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds. Slowly come back to the table top pose.

Boat Pose (Navasana)

An effective Vinyasa yoga pose is the Boat Pose. This plays a crucial role when it comes to developing core strength for developing balance during the Handstand. It helps you connect the deeper core muscles to hold the Handstand and safeguarding your back in the process.

Steps To Boat Pose

  • Start in the seated position on the yoga mat. Bend and feet flat on the floor.
  • Keep your hands behind your knees. Press your sitting bones into the mat. It lifts your chest and extends the spine.
  • Relax your shoulders and bring them away from your ears.
  • Bring your navel towards the spine to activate the core muscles.
  • Inhale. Lean back slightly, lift your feet off the floor and keep your shins parallel to the mat.
  • Balance your sit bones. Activate your inner thighs.
  • Release your hands and extend your arms forward to the outside of your knees.
  • For an intense stretch, keep your legs straight. Maintain a slow and steady breath.
  • Hold this position with 10 to 15 breaths.


Do you want to ace a Handstand without risking your back and shoulders? Book a yoga retreat in Rishikesh and master this yoga pose under yoga experts.

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